Stop Smoking
Registered Smoking Cessation Therapist Dip SCT
One in five of the population in the UK dies of smoking related illnesses.
Six times as many people die each year in the UK from smoking than from road traffic accidents, other accidents.
Poisoning and overdose, murder and manslaughter, suicide and HIV combined.
A smoker ages 35 has double the chance of dying before the age of 65 than a non smoker.
120,000 people die in the UK from smoking related illnesses.
Approximately 1 in 4 smokers will die of lung cancer.
Cats that live with cigarette smokers are twice as likely to develop feline lymphoma.
Dogs in smoking households have a 60 percent greater risk of lung cancer.
Nicotine has been described as " one of the most addictive substances known to man."
Nicotine is used as a weedkiller.
Because I stopped smoking before Hypnotherapy was an option for me I can appreciate how difficult it can be to stop smoking. I found it impossible to go out for a drink and not to smoke. Somehow I eventually managed to stop, however this never removed my cravings for them especially when I was drinking. So although I had stopped I still wanted one and felt the craving becoming stronger, I knew it would not be long before I started again. Then I tried Hypnotherapy and after one session I have never had another craving for cigarettes.
Now I am no longer controlled by cigarettes, no longer standing out in the cold and rain, feeling like an outcast. No longer planning my evenings around smoking. No longer trying to find the money for another packet. No longer smelling of stale cigarette smoke. No longer needing regular visits to the dentist because of stained teeth and no longer knocking 11 minutes of my life with every cigarette I smoke.